Check out these amazing scholarships offered by local businesses and community members! Click scholarship name to access scholarship applications and/or materials.
A.B. Dana Foster Keith Scholarship - Due April 1
A scholarship of $1,000 or more will benefit graduates of Hiawatha High School attending the University of Kansas. This scholarship was established in 1977 by the Keith’s three children. Mr. & Mrs. Keith were native Kansans, both born in 1898—she in a sod house on the Ness County Prairie and he in Dexter. They married in 1926 while both were teachers at Kinsley High School. In 1931 they moved to Hiawatha, where they established a real estate and insurance firm. Mrs. Keith continued in the classroom until her retirement in 1967, and together their service in public schools totaled 48 years. Mr. Keith died in 1958 and Mrs. Keith in 1975.
Allen and Mary Meyer Memorial Scholarship - Due April 1
This memorial scholarship was set up to honor Allen and Mary Meyer and provide assistance to a graduate pursuing a career in agriculture. Allen and Mary Meyer farmed and operated a dairy for over 50 years just south of Hiawatha. Mary taught school in Hiawatha for several years. Although they never had children of their own, they were strong supporters of the youth programs through the Zion Lutheran Church and 4-H.
Alice Dickinson Fahrendorff Scholarship - Due April 1
The recipient must be a Hiawatha High School graduate who has attained a minimum GPA of 2.5 and who will enroll in a community college or trade school certification or degree program. Consideration will be based primarily on financial need. A special application form is available on the district website. (click above on the scholarship name.) The Fahrendorff/Dickinson Scholarship was established in memory of Alice Dickinson Fahrendorff, a 1944 graduate of Hiawatha High School. As a child who experienced economic hardship, Alice saw education as an avenue to overcome limitations. She took great pride in developing a strong educational background and creating a resilient work ethic. These two components served as a catalyst for a successful career in the railroad industry as a communications specialist. Alice and husband Raleigh shared a desire to promote opportunities for self-advocacy and saw education as an investment in one’s future. They also believed in the merit of an altruistic mindset and gave generously of themselves. It is the hope of the Fahrendorff and Dickinson families that the scholarship recipient would also embrace these values and ideology.
BB Brothers Scholarship -Due April 1
This $250 scholarship is given to a senior to attend any accredited, post-secondary educational institution. Selection of the recipient is made by the BB BROTHERS CONTRACTOR.
Bank Of Blue Valley - Due April 1
This $500 scholarship is given to a senior to attend any accredited, post-secondary educational institution. Selection of the recipient is made by the Bank of Blue Valley.
B.H. and Lucille Pennel Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by B.H. and Lucille Pennel who spent a combined 61 years in the education field with 50 of those years dedicated to the Hiawatha school system. Mr. Pennel served as the Hiawatha High School principal for 28 years, from 1966 until retirement in 1994. Mrs. Pennel taught kindergarten in Robinson for one year then at Hiawatha Elementary School for 22 years. Even after retirement, the couple served as substitute teachers for eight years. They continued to serve the Hiawatha area through many volunteer activities and memberships in local organizations. This is a one-time $500 scholarship for a graduate planning to earn a degree in the education fiel
Brown County Farm Bureau Assn. Scholarship - Due February 1
Two $300 scholarships will be awarded to students of Farm Bureau families with paid membership in Brown County. Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolling in the 2023 fall semester at a four-year college, junior college, or vo-tech school.
Brown County Veterans Honor Guard Scholarship - Due April 1
A $500 award will be given to 3-5 seniors who will attend a college, university, community college, or trade school. Preference will be given to students who have family members who have served in the military.
Carol Nigus Scholarship - Due April 1
A $500 scholarship is available for a graduate of Hiawatha High School who is enrolled as a full-time college student majoring in education and having an interest in completing a Special Education Degree. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. A special application is available on the district website. Carol Nigus was a long-time special education teacher and administrator in Brown County. She was devoted to serving special needs children and adults during her entire life. Carol’s husband founded the scholarship following her death to encourage graduates to pursue a career in special education.
Chapter HU PEO Scholarship - Due April 1
Scholarships will be awarded to selected graduating females from Hiawatha High School who will be attending a college or university.
Chris Vitt - Teachable Heart Scholarship - Due May 3
Citizens State Bank Scholarship - Due April 1
This $300 scholarship is given to a senior of Hiawatha High School to attend Highland Community College. Selection of the recipient is made by the Citizen’s State Bank.
Cruise Planners Scholarship - Due April 1
Cruise Planners, a Hiawatha based travel agency, is offering a $500 scholarship to a graduating high school student with plans to pursue any form of further education. Application is open to any and all students who attend public, private, home, or online school and live in Brown County, Kansas. www.MyAdventurePlanning.com/Scholarship
Dale Strahan Scholarship - Due April 1
The recipients must be Hiawatha High School graduates who have attained a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale and be active in volunteer organizations or community service. First preference is given to individuals seeking a career in golf management or who have participated in golf in high school. Amount of award depends on number of applicants awarded. A special application form is available on the district website. Dale Strahan was an avid golfer and member of the Hiawatha Country Club. His wife Genevieve chose this scholarship as a way to honor her husband and his love for the game of golf.
Delbert Larson Memorial Scholarship - Due April 1
A $500 scholarship in will be awarded to a graduating senior of Hiawatha High School. The student must be enrolled in a community college or four-year university or college. The GPA of the student must be 3.0 or higher. Extracurricular activities and community activities will be considered. A special application form is available on the district website. Delbert Larson was a teacher in Hiawatha. His family started this scholarship to encourage students to pursue a degree in the math or science field.
Deputy Todd Widman Memorial Scholarship - Due April 1
Brown County Sheriff John Merchant started the concept of providing financial assistance to graduating Brown County High School seniors when he was able to provide one $500 scholarship by being selected as The Kansas Association of Counties “Elected Official of the Year” for 2015. It was decided that the Brown County Sheriff’s Office would continue providing scholarships to students as a way of honoring those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. A onetime non-renewable $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to one Hiawatha and one Horton High School graduate who is enrolling in a university, college, community college or vocational technical school.
Double the Love Scholarship - Due April 1
A $500 non-renewable scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior who is either LGBT or a dedicated Ally planning on attending any secondary education. The committee will take into account financial need, academic achievement, community involvement and a short (300 word minimum) themed essay. Recipient can remain anonymous if they so choose.
Edna Mae Schmitt Scholarship * - Due April 1
When available, depending upon renewable scholarships, this award will be offered to graduates of USD 415 and USD 430. Candidates must have high moral character and integrity, be self-disciplined and self-motivated, and show desire and promise with average academic ability. Students living in Powhattan and within the original Powhattan School District (before consolidation with USD 415 and USD 430) have priority over all other applicants. It is renewable following presentation of qualifying college grades. A special application form is available on the district website. Mrs. Schmitt was a lifelong resident of Powhattan who had many interests, especially cooking. She was very involved in her church and community and was known as a very witty and caring lady. She chose to establish this scholarship to honor one student each from USD 415 and USD 430. She was over 100 years of age at the time she passed away in 2006.
Eugene A. and Virginia M. Ruth Scholarship * - Due April 1
A $500 - $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually to Hiawatha High School graduates who have no less than a 3.5 grade point average and demonstrate potential success in post-high school training. Extracurricular activities and community involvement, class rank, and ACT score are also considerations. Completion of eight units of academic credit from Hiawatha High School is required. This scholarship may be renewed. A special application form is available on the district website. This scholarship is awarded to a graduate of Hiawatha High School who is enrolled in a university, college, community college, or trade school. The selection is based solely upon academic excellence regardless of the financial resources of the student and/or their parents. Community involvement is also considered in making the selection.
Fairview High School Scholarship * - Due April 1
Four scholarships will be awarded to HS graduates with class of 2025. The scholarships are limited to graduates of Hiawatha High School and Sabetha High School. Two of the scholarships are reserved for graduates who reside within the boundaries of the old Fairview High School district. The other two scholarships will be awarded to graduates of SHS or HHS irrespective of location of their residences. The Rogers Scholarship, the Lambertson Scholarship, and the Farmer’s State Bank of Fairview are also administrated by the Fairview High School Alumni. A special application form is available on the district website. The F.H.S. Alumni Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 by the Fairview Rural High School Alumni Association for the purpose of granting scholarships to those high school graduates or adults with high school equivalency, who now reside within the boundaries of the former District #5 (1966) and who meet the criteria established by the Board. Recipients may receive monies for academic, professional, technical, or trade school educational purposes.
Floyd and Leila Wagoner Agricultural Scholarship --Due April 1
This scholarship was established to honor Floyd and Leila Wagoner, longtime farming residents of the Hiawatha, Kansas area. This is a $5,000 one-time non-renewable scholarship for a Hiawatha USD 415 high school graduating senior pursuing a 4-year bachelor’s degree in one of the Kansas State University Agribusiness programs in Manhattan, Kansas. If there is no qualifying current year graduate applicant in any one year, a previously awarded first year scholarship recipient may apply for an additional $5,000 one-year scholarship extension to their established Agribusiness BS degree program at Kansas State, provided they have maintained a grade point average of 2.5 or higher in their first year of the program. Previous recipients will be notified of the option to apply for a second-year scholarship with an application deadline of August 1st. Funding may be increased or terminated at any time at the discretion of Marilyn Pike or Thomas Pike. The Hiawatha USD 415 Educational Foundation manages this scholarship. Questions may be emailed to the foundation administrator at edfoundation@usd415.org. The scholarship committee of the USD 415 Educational Foundation is responsible for selecting, paying
Genevieve Strahan Scholarship - Due April 1
The recipients must be Hiawatha High School graduates who have attained a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale and been active in volunteer organizations or community service. First preference is given to individuals seeking an education degree. Amount of award depends on number of applicants awarded. A special application form is available on the district website. Genevieve Strahan was a lifelong resident of Brown County. She graduated from Hamlin High School in 1929 and attended college at Washburn University and Emporia State Teacher’s College, graduating in 1933. She was a long-time public school teacher and administrator.
Gerald F Steely and Hazel I Steely Scholarship Fund Due April 1
Gerald Steely was born and raised in the Robinson area. He was a veteran of WWII, a Mason, a Shriner, and a member of Eastern Star. He was a gentle natured man, a gentleman farmer who also enjoyed working with stained glass and gardening. Hazel was born and raised in the Fairview area. She graduated from Hiawatha High school. She was a spunky, yet classy lady. She was a hairdresser and did hair at the local nursing homes for many years. She was a member of Eastern Star, Gray Ladies and the United Methodist Women’s Group, where she held local, state, and national offices. She enjoyed traveling, needle work and cooking. Gerald and Hazel were members of Zion Methodist Church, near Robinson. They had deep respect for anyone in the Clergy or medical field and wanted to help graduates of Hiawatha High School meet their educational goals. This is a $1,000 renewable scholarship as long as the student maintains a “C” (2.00) or above average GPA during their post-secondary education tenure. The selection committee consists of the Trustee of the scholarship, the high school principal, and the pastors of both the First United Methodist Church and the Zion Methodist Church. The Hiawatha USD 415 Educational Foundation manages this scholarship. Questions may be emailed to the foundation administrator at edfoundation@usd415.org.
Hiawatha District Education Association Scholarship - Due April 1
For many years, the Hiawatha District Education Association has awarded a scholarship to a deserving senior. This year, HDEA will award two scholarships. Preference will be given to seniors who are interested in majoring in education. Teachers comprise the selection committee.
Hiawatha High School Alumni Association Scholarship - Due April 1
The HHS Alumni Association will award up to eight $500 scholarships to graduating seniors. Since the 1970s, the Hiawatha Alumni Association has been proud to support further academic development by providing yearly scholarships to deserving graduates. These scholarships are funded by donations and fundraisers sponsored by the HHS Alumni Association. This scholarship is for all students in the HHS senior class who will be attending any college or a vo-tech program. This scholarship will be paid in full to the students after the committee receives their full-time class schedule. A special application form including a short essay prompt is available on the district website.
Hiawatha High School Class of 1984- 4 Year School Scholarship - Due April 1
A minimum of two non-renewable $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors from Hiawatha High School. Consideration for this application will be given to well-rounded students who intend to continue their education at a 4-year university. Recipients must have attended HHS since the beginning of their junior year and have an average GPA of 2.25. Members of the HHS Class of 1984 created and annually support this scholarship to recognize the outstanding education they received at Hiawatha and to show appreciation for the community scholarships they received. (2-4 year & 2-2 year recipients)
Hiawatha High School Class of 1984- 2 Year School Scholarship - Due April 1
A minimum of two non-renewable $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors from Hiawatha High School. Consideration for this application will be given to well-rounded students who intend to continue their education at a community college or vocational school. Recipients must have attended HHS since the beginning of their junior year and have an average GPA of 2.25. Members of the HHS Class of 1984 created and annually support this scholarship to recognize the outstanding education they received at Hiawatha and to show appreciation for the community scholarships they received. (2-4 year & 2-2 year recipients)
Hiawatha High School FBLA Scholarship - Due April 1
This scholarship is designed to recognize outstanding FBLA members for their activity and involvement in the association. The number of scholarships given depends on the yearly contributions to the FBLA scholarship fund. A minimum of $100 will be awarded at the Senior Awards night. The scholarship is open to graduating FBLA members of Hiawatha High School who plan to pursue a post-secondary education degree majoring or minoring in the field of Business.
Hiawatha High School FFA Alumni Scholarship - Due March 10
The Hiawatha FFA Alumni Association is proud to sponsor up to two (2) $300 college scholarships provided there are 2 qualifying candidates. It is the Alumni’s intent to encourage FFA students to become tomorrow’s leaders in agriculture. To be scholarship eligible, you must be a graduating senior from Hiawatha High School and a current Hiawatha FFA Chapter member. The applicant must have been active in FFA at least three years. The recipient must enroll in an accredited college or vocational technical school that has an agriculture program.
Hiawatha High School Student Council Scholarship - Due April 1
This scholarship is available to any senior attending a vo-tech or trade school, or a two-year or four-year college. The scholarship is based on extra-curricular activities, involvement in the community, and academic achievement.
Howard L. & Emma Lillian Smith Memorial Scholarship * - Due April 1
A $1,000 renewable scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior or past graduate who is an Eagle Scout from Hiawatha Troop 313. Academic status will be considered in the selection of this scholarship. Preference will be given to applicants who are pursuing a post-secondary education. A special application form is available on the district website. This scholarship is in memory of Howard L. and Emma Lillian Smith, who left funds to Hiawatha Scouts B.S.A. Troop 313. Any Troop 313 scout who obtains the rank of Eagle Scout would be eligible to receive this scholarship.
Jade Millwrights Scholarship - Due April 1
These two $250 scholarships will be awarded to graduates of Hiawatha High School who are enrolled full time in a university, college, community college, or trade school. Their high school GPA must be at least 2.0. Extracurricular activities and community involvement will be considered, and awardees must or will have completed 8 units of academic credit from Hiawatha High School to be eligible. A special application form is available on the district website. Jade Millwrights is a local company begun in 2005 by father and son, Hiawatha High School graduates. This scholarship was established to give back to the community that supports them. Their goal is to continue to provide locally-talented employees with respect and admiration to prosper in their professional and personal lives. They value education, hard work, and dedication. Most of their employees are in the Hiawatha school district.
Jeffery C. Hilton Scholarship - Due April 1
A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior of Hiawatha High School who will enroll full-time at Kansas State University-Salina. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. A special application form is available on the district website. Given by Robert Hilton in memory of his son, Jeffery, this scholarship is awarded to a Hiawatha High School graduate enrolled full time at Kansas State University-Salina. Jeffery received his computer technology degree from this institution. A 1996 graduate of Hiawatha High, Jeffery passed away at the young age of 30 from a massive heart attack. The scholarship was begun in 2010.
Kaden's Kloset-Judy Fuemmler Memorial Scholarship -Due April 1
We are pleased to announce and offer, in memory of Judy Fuemmeler and her passion and belief in volunteerism and servant minded difference-making, a one-time scholarship available to graduating seniors.
Kathy Johansen Memorial Scholarship
Due April 1: Kathy Johansen was a lifelong Licensed Practical Nurse. She attended Kaw Area Technical School in Topeka, graduating in 2001. Kathy worked at the Hiawatha Hospital for 19 years before finishing her career at Holton Family Practice. After her passing in 2024, her family founded a scholarship to support a graduating student who plans to pursue a career in nursing. A $500 scholarship is available for a graduate of Hiawatha High School who is enrolled in a nursing program. This is a one-time nonrenewable scholarship.
Kay L. Hilton Scholarship * - Due April 1
A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to graduating senior of Hiawatha High School who will be studying nursing at any accredited post-secondary institution. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.0 or better. A special application form is available on the district website. Begun in 2010, this nursing scholarship is given by Robert Hilton in memory of his wife, Kay, who spent several years fighting cancer. Robert and Kay were always impressed with her nurses and the scholarship has been established to honor those who cared so well for her.
Kiley Ramey Memorial Scholarship - Due April 1
A $500 non-renewable scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior from Hiawatha High School who will enroll in any form of higher education such as a university, college, community college or trade school. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.0 or better. A special application form is available on the district website. Kiley Ramey lost her life in a car accident while a student at Hiawatha High School. The scholarship was put in place by Gary and Linda Ramey in remembrance of their daughter. Kiley’s scholarship emphasizes service to others.
Lucile Hawks Vocational Scholarship - Due April 1
This scholarship award is for a current year graduate of Hiawatha High School for full tuition, fees,books, materials, tools, and equipment required by the student’s accredited vocational program in Kansas. The scholarship amount will vary by the program expenses. The student is eligible for a renewal of the scholarship after the first year’s award, if the student meets the criteria and submits the required documentation as outlined below and specified by Ms. Hawks.
Marcena Onstott Scholarship - Due April 1
This award of at least $500 will be given annually to a Hiawatha High School senior who plans to go into an educational teaching field. Ms. Onstott taught kindergarten in the Hiawatha school system for many, many years. She passed away in 2004. Her gracious gift allows this scholarship to be made available for 30 years, and her wish was that it be awarded to a graduate indicating a desire to enter the education field.
Melissa Dawn Rieger Scholarship - Due April 1
A $500 scholarship will be awarded to a Hiawatha High School senior who has been active in extra-curricular activities as well as demonstrating academic excellence. The recipients may use the scholarship to attend the college, vo-tech or trade school of his or her choice. This scholarship originally started in 1985 with two $500 scholarships being awarded through generous donations of the community for 14 years. Missy lost her battle to bone cancer at the age of 14 years, 7 months, 14 days, and died on July 4, 1985. She graduated from the eighth grade at Robinson Middle School, was on the National Honor Society, played sports, was active in 4-H where she showed her dogs Max and Andy, and she had many friends and family. The scholarship was set up in her name so the youth who knew her and those who didn’t would remember the courage that a young lady named Missy showed through the diagnoses, leg amputation, and rigorous chemotherapy treatment she endured for 17 months. She never lost her sense of humor or her faith in God. Most of all, she never gave up.
Middlebrook Scholarship - Due April 1
Scholarships are awarded to Hiawatha graduates on the basis of scholastic rank in class and financial need. The graduate must be enrolling in a four-year college program although work may begin at a community college. The applicant must submit a special family comprehensive financial page with the parent’s signature in addition to filling out the application. This application is available on the district website. The Middlebrook Scholarship was created by H.O. and Helen Middlebrook in memory of their son, James Holmes Middlebrook, who died in infancy. Distributions began in 1945, the year James would have entered college. The Middlebrooks themselves were administrators until 1962, when H.O. Middlebrook passed away. His will stated that the scholarship be preserved in a permanent trust, with Citizen’s State Bank & Trust Company as successor administrator. The one-year scholarship was designed to help college students through their critical freshman year.
Paul & Daisy Schuneman Scholarship - Due April 1
Grants and scholarships are available to graduates of Hiawatha High School who attend college and major in education or health care or pursue a trade at a vocational school. A special application form is available on the district website. Paul & Daisy Schuneman created the trust to benefit graduates of U.S.D. #415, with an emphasis in the fields of education, health care, or a vocational trade. They lived very conservatively and left their entire estate to the Hiawatha Community.
Phyllis Jeane Beyer Kidwell Memorial Scholarship - Due April 1
A $125 scholarship will be awarded to a Hiawatha High School senior planning to attend (full time) a college, trade school, vo-tech school, or any other school to further their education. The scholarship payment will be awarded upon proof of passing 70% of first semester of post-high school education. This scholarship began in December 1978. Ms. Kidwell worked for the Hiawatha School District as Secretary-Bookkeeper of Federal Funds, and also was Clerk of the Board from 1971-1977. She passed away in 1977.
Powhattan American Legion Scholarship - Due April 1
A $250 non-renewable scholarship is being offered by the Powhattan American Legion Post 373 to a Hiawatha High School graduating senior. First preference will be given to a student in need who is planning to attend a two or four-year institution. The Powhattan American Legion Post #373 Scholarship is given to promote the future of America by bettering the education of America’s future leaders. It is their belief that education can and will promote a better America.
Red Hawk Booster Club Scholarship - Due April 1
The Booster Club will award scholarships annually to graduating seniors to use at a post-secondary school of their choice. The scholarships will be awarded to those students who best demonstrate academic excellence with a current GPA of 3.00 or above, have been active in high school sports and activities, have been an excellent representative/role model of their school, have always shown good sportsmanship in all activities, and have always shown good citizenship towards their teammates and coaches. Each year the Booster Club will decide on the number and amounts of the scholarships that will be awarded. A special application form is available on the district website.
Roberta Burgert Scholarship - Due April 1
This $500 scholarship will be awarded to individuals of U.S.D. 415 who shall be attending either a two-year or four-year degree program at a university, college or other place of higher learning, or an individual attending a vocational technical training program. The criteria for selection of the applicant shall be the financial needs of the applicants. In order to be eligible for an award of a scholarship, the applicant must have at least a 2.33 GPA. Ms. Burgert graduated from Hiawatha High School in 1917 and began her life-long career as an educator that very year. She taught at several rural schools in Brown County, including the Hilltop School where at one time she had 60 pupils from grades kindergarten through the 8th grade. She retired after teaching 25 years in the Abilene school system, which extended its retirement age when she reached age 65 so they could retain her services. Teaching first grade was her favorite. She retired in 1970 and returned to Hiawatha where she pursued favorite hobbies of painting, playing the saxophone, piano and organ, and growing flowers. Throughout her life, she enjoyed nurturing children's minds and flowers--both very beautiful things. She passed away in 2000.
Robinson American Legion - Hedrick Moll Post 148 - Due April 1
This will be a one time, $300 scholarship.
Roy L. & Aleta M. Moore Scholarship - Due April 1
Roy and Aleta Moore were lifelong residents of Brown County, Kansas, and moved to Hiawatha, Kansas, in 1975 retiring from a career of farming in the Robinson community. Mrs. Moore was the last to die in 1995, and in her Last Will and Testament, she established this testamentary trust for the award of scholarships for graduating students from Hiawatha High School. The scholarship program began with the graduates of 1997 and will be in existence for a period of 20 years. In 2016, the funds were transferred to the USD #415 Educational Foundation with the purpose of continuing the tradition of assisting Hiawatha High School graduates in pursuing post secondary educational opportunities. A special application form is available on the district website.
Ruth Cox Scholarship - Due April 1
A grant of $50 will be awarded to a Hiawatha High School female graduate planning to attend a two-year college at a minimum. Recipient will be chosen on the basis of financial need. The student must have at least a 3.0 GPA. Mrs. Ruth Cox established this scholarship in 1978. She wished that it be awarded to a deserving young woman to be used in any manner that she deemed necessary in order to alleviate her college expenses. Mrs. Cox passed away in 2002.
Ruth Dannenberg Scholarship - Due April 1
A $1,000 scholarship is being offered to a male or female planning to attend Kansas State University and major in any field which is related to agriculture. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of at least a 3.2. A special application form is available on the district website. Ruth E. Koelliker Dannenberg was born near Robinson, Kansas, and lived on the family farm with her parents, Charles & Edna Koelliker, and younger brother, Norman. She married Merrill Dannenberg in 1931 and lived near Robinson until moving to Hiawatha with her daughter, Ruth Anna, following his death in 1949. Ruth attended Hiawatha High School and graduated as a class valedictorian in 1927. She treasured her agricultural background and owned several farms in Brown County. In an effort to encourage young graduates of Hiawatha High School to pursue degrees in agricultural-related fields, Ruth directed that a scholarship to Kansas State University be established in memory of her brother, Norman Charles Koelliker, who died in 1935. Ruth passed away on March 17, 1993, and the first scholarship was awarded in May of 1993.
Sarah E. Crow Scholarship - Due April 1
A grant of $75 to a Hiawatha High School graduate enrolled in a two-year college program as a minimum. The student must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher. The Sarah E. Crow Memorial Scholarship was begun in 1976. Recipients must have a 2.75 GPA or above and attend a two-year college at a minimum. Her wishes were that the scholarship be awarded to a deserving Hiawatha High School student to advance his or her education.
Steve Lock Memorial Agricultural or Vocational Technology Scholarship --DUE March 10
This scholarship is given in memory of Steve Lock who supported the idea of students with specific interest in vocational/technical and/or agricultural education, receiving financial assistance with post high school education. Steve was himself a graduate of a two-year vocational/technical education as were two of his sons. It was his belief that students interested in this area should also be able to receive financial assistance without the pressure of a high GPA or involvement in many clubs, activities etc., but instead a strong interest and motivation to improve job ready skills following high school. There are not enough mechanics, agricultural techs, welders, plumbers, electricians, LPN’s, etc. in our community and elsewhere. He wanted to encourage students to go into these fields.
For a hard copy of the scholarship letter that was sent out, click HERE.
* indicates scholarship is renewable
Scholarships For Past Graduates:
Edith Shear Alumni Scholarship
Keep in mind that while most of the local scholarships have a deadline of April 1st, there are some that have a different due date. Sometimes it is earlier, sometimes it is later, make note of the due dates for the scholarships you are applying for so you don't miss any of these amazing opportunities!
Along with Local Scholarships, there are others that are regional, state, or nation wide that are available to you. Here are a few scholarships from outside of Hiawatha that have been shared with HHS:
Ag Future of America - Due March 10
A sizeable scholarship is available to Hiawatha High School seniors who are seeking a four-year degree in the field of agriculture. Candidates will be judged on their application, leadership, activities, an essay, and an interview. A special application form is available online at www.agfuture.org. The Agriculture Future of America scholarship was first awarded in the Hiawatha area in 2001. The purpose of A.F.A. is to serve as a catalyst in the preparation of a new generation of agriculture leaders. It seeks out the most talented young people dedicated to becoming leaders in the field of agriculture by providing scholarship opportunities, opportunities for internships in the agriculture field, and by hosting an annual four-day leadership training conference. This scholarship is made possible by individuals and companies in our area who believe in the goals of A.F.A. Follow all instructions online. This scholarship is not handled in the student services office.
Ag Partners Cooperative, Inc. Scholarship - Due March 1, 2025
Kansas City Royals + Ag Partners Scholarship Program: Due March 1, 2025
Ag Partners is the official ag cooperative of the Kansas City Royals! We have partnered with the Royals to bring another scholarship opportunity to the youth in the agriculture industry. There are two categories’ students can apply for: Agriculture Marketing and Agriculture Education. Each category will have three winners: First Place will receive $4,000, Second & Third Place will each receive $500.
AHRS - Due March 21, 2025
American Petroleum Institute - Due April 30 The Western Kansas Chapter of the American Petroleum Institute (API) is pleased to announce we will once again be awarding four scholarships to qualifying graduating Seniors in May 2023. Each scholarship will be in the amount of $1,000 annually ($500 paid each semester) and may be renewed for up to four years. Application click here
Greater Manhattan Community Foundation
The $1,000 Kokoruda Farms Scholarship. It's available to any student enrolled in a trade degree program or a medical degree program (nursing, radiology tech, etc.). Applicants must be graduating in the current school year, a high school graduate, a student currently attending a postsecondary school or an individual going back to school to further their education after taking a break.
Brown-Atchison Electric Scholarship - Due March 31, 2023
National & State FFA Scholarship - Due January 11
Whether you are pursuing a trade school, vocational certificate or a two-year or four-year degree, don’t miss your chance to apply for a National FFA Scholarship to help with your next steps in education. If you are a high school senior or college student, just one application is required for multiple scholarship opportunities totaling close to $2 million.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund - Due Feb 15, 2023
Kansas Crime Stoppers - Due March 1, 2025
Kansas Promise Scholarship - Check with Attendance School
KCCEOA Scholarship - Due March 31, 2023
Kansas Kiwanis Foundation -Due February 1
Kansas Kiwanis Foundation is proud to offer scholarships to deserving students who will be graduates of Accredited Kansas High Schools. Should special circumstances exist they will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine eligibility. This scholarship award will be for the academic year 2024-2025 payable to the institution in late August.
NEK MultiCounty Nursing Scholarship - Due April 15, 2025
NEK Pro-Life Action League Scholarship
The NEK Pro-Life Scholarship will award a graduating senior from the five northeast Kansas counties. Applicants must have at least a 2.0 GPA and intend to study full-time at a trade school, college, university, or Bible school. Applicants must also submit a typed essay of 300-500 words and two recommendation letters. The application is available on the district website.
Northwind Technology Services Scholarship
The O’Brate Foundation Traditional College Scholarship Application for the 2023-2024 academic year is NOW OPEN at https://obrate.smapply.org/. The deadline for completing the application is May 1, 2023. We STRONGLY recommend EARLY SUBMISSIONS. PDF Application Guides and in-depth information about our Traditional College Scholarship, Dual-Credit Scholarship and Immediate Needs Assistance Program are available at https://obratefoundation.org > Programs. The scholarship awards are based on financial need and will vary in size from $500 to $5,000 annually. This year we will be awarding approximately 40 to 50 Renewable scholarships, so we would appreciate your help by encouraging only students who meet the financial qualifications to apply for this need-based scholarship. The following are tips to help your students determine if they fall within our definition of financial need.
SAKW Scholarship-- Due February 15
1. Amount of Scholarship ………………………………$ 500.00 2. Number of Scholarships………………………………………2
3. One nominee per Watershed District and applicants must reside within the boundaries of the Watershed District.
4. Watershed Districts will develop their own selection process.
5. The recipient will be selected in March by the SAKW Scholarship Committee.
6. The Scholarship money will be sent directly to the higher education school of the recipient’s choice.
7. All nominations are sent from Watershed Districts and need to be postmarked by March 1st for consideration in this Scholarship selection to:
Barb Oltjen
Scholarship Chairperson
785-544-6786 (FAX)
P.O. Box 216
Robinson, KS 66532

Kansas CTE Scholar
CTE Scholar candidates must be a graduating senior. Work can be, and is expected to have begun prior to your senior year, however recognition is limited to seniors.
Students must have completed (or upon successful completion of current course enrollment) a minimum of 3.0 CTE credits with at least 2.0 of 3.0 credits above introductory level. Credits earned can be across pathways.
GPA in CTE courses above the introductory level must be 3.5 or higher. Verification of CTE credits and CTE GPA is required.
For more information on the requirements of being a Kansas CTE Scholar click here.
Online application with documentation is due by March 1, 2023. https://forms.gle/6NUXXcXxojtBuvcw9

True Blue KSHSAA Scholarship
In partnership with Capital Federal Savings, the KSHSAA will award True Blue Scholarships intended to support Kansas High School graduates in postsecondary efforts.
This 1 time scholarship is for students graduating during the 2023-24 school year. These funds will be made payable to a 2-year or 4-year accredited college, university or technical school in the name of the selected student. Awards are non-renewable, one-time scholarships in the amount of $2,000 provided for a student in each activity administered by the -KSHSAA. Funds for these scholarships are possible through the partnership between Capitol Federal Savings and the Kansas State High School Activities Association.
The application is now open and due March 1, 2024.
For more information & to apply, click here: KSHSAA Application.

Kansas Grain and Feed Association's scholarship program has awarded countless deserving high school and college students funds necessary to pursue their chosen fields of study since its inception in 1976.
For more information about KGFA, click HERE - Due Feb. 24, 2023
For more information about KARA, click HERE - Due Feb. 24, 2023

The Office of the State Bank Commissioner (OSBC) is dedicated to keeping Kansans informed about issues concerning their finances and promoting integrity and increasing transparency and fairness in the financial services industry. The OSBC is sponsoring this essay contest to award up to 5 scholarships to Kansas high school seniors who, through school courses, independent study, and personal experience, have gained an understanding of money management and can demonstrate that knowledge & the importance it will have in their future.
For More Information and to Apply for the Scholarship, click HERE.
Here are the Rules. Due April 3, 2023
Pony Express Scholarship
This year once again, the Pony Express Riders of Kansas are sponsoring a scholarship essay contest for seniors graduating from high schools in Washington, Marshall, Nemaha, Brown, and Doniphan Counties. The twenty-one available scholarships are as follows: First Place $2,000.00; two $1,750.00; three $1,250.00; four $1000.00; five $750.00; and six $500.00 scholarships.
For more information and to apply for the scholarship, click: HERE

One thing to keep in mind as you prepare for continuing your education after High School, is that there are many, many options for you to get free money to pay for everything. Along with the local scholarships, be sure to search for other State & National grants or scholarship. This website has collected the top scholarships available. Check it out by clicking the picture, or here:
The scholarships available, have requirements to qualify for them. Some of the requirements include but are not limited to:
Leadership & Community Involvement
Heritage, Ethnicity, or Gender
Financial Need
Certain Academic or Achievement Standards
Applies to Certain States or Schools

Kansas Board of Regents Financial Aid
The Kansas Board of Regents is responsible for the administration of the state-funded grants and scholarships. For more information on financial assistance, please contact the financial aid office at the school you wish to attend or contact KBOR for more information.
There is a Post-Secondary Exploration Guide that's been emailed to the students. A copy of this is in the documents folder, and HERE.
Here are some of the available Grants and Scholarships through KBOR:
Kansas Career Technical Workforce Grant
Kansas Ethnic Minority Scholarship
Kansas Military Service Scholarship
Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance Program
Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship
Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship
Kansas State Scholarship
Click here to apply for any of these scholarships
Each scholarship has its own eligibility criteria and application requirements. Generally, each scholarship program requires the recipient to:
Be a Kansas resident
Enroll in a qualified program
Enroll at a Kansas college or university
Not already awarded an undergraduate degree, unless you are applying for the Nursing or Teaching Service Scholarships
For a complete listing of the grants and scholarships available, their requirements for eligibility, and all application submission deadlines, click here:
KBOR Hero Scholarship click here
The Kansas Hero’s Scholarship Act (K.S.A. 75-4364) provides an opportunity for eligible dependents and spouses of certain deceased/disabled public safety officers and military personnel to attend an eligible Kansas post secondary educational institution without payment of tuition and required fees. The student will be responsible for all other charges associated with the student’s academic program – including books, materials, living costs, etc.
**Please make sure to note the different deadlines for each grant or scholarship that you are planning to apply for.

The Atchison Jazz Express is accepting applications for our 2024 Karen Soyland Memorial Scholarship; several $500 scholarships will be awarded in Karen’s name. We are hoping you can pass along this opportunity to your students. Area students who will be attending a 2-year (or longer) program at an accredited college or university in the fall are eligible to apply. They must be currently involved in instrumental music and enroll in a performing instrumental class in college. They need not plan to major in music.
The application deadline (postmark date) is March 31, 2024.
Apply Here: AJE Scholarship

The Western Kansas Chapter of the American Petroleum Institute (API) is pleased to announce we will once again be awarding four (4) scholarships to qualifying graduating Seniors in May 2022. Each scholarship will be in the amount of $1,000 annually ($500 paid each semester) and may be renewed for up to four (4) years.
For more information on requirements and details, click HERE.
The deadline for these scholarships is April 30, 2022. Click HERE to complete the application.

Redhawk First Steps Scholarship
The USD 415 Educational Foundation Redhawk First Steps Scholarship was established by the Foundation in 2022 as a result of educators and parents identifying the need for financial support of students at Hiawatha High School. The scholarships will support students enrolling in Highland Community College dual credit courses and Highland Community College Technical Center Programs. The scholarship may expand in the future for opportunities beyond Highland Community College.
For those enrolling for the Fall Semester, this application is due to the Board Office by May 1st.
For those enrolling in the Spring Semester, this application is due to the Board Office by December 1st.
You can get the application HERE .
Throughout the year, many communications are sent out to the students through email as well as posted to the school's social media. Here are some of the things that have been shared this year: